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Magnetosphere Ionosphere Science Team


MIST Data Use Policy

We have an open data policy for scientific and educational use. Use of the data for other purposes requires consultation with the Virginia Tech Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Science Team (MIST), please contact a team member for appropriate arrangements. We request acknowledgement of the use of these data in publications or projects. Co-authorship on publications utilizing the AAL-PIP data is not required unless a MIST team member contributes significantly in the analysis and interpretation of the data.

Citing AAL-PIP Data

The proper paper citation for Antarctic AAL-PIP data from the 40-degree magnetic meridian chain is:

Clauer C. Robert, Hyomin Kim, Kshitija Deshpande, Zhonghua Xu, Daniel Weimer, Stephen Musko, Geoff Crowley, Chad Fish, Randall Nealy, T. E. Humphreys, J.A. Bhatti, and A. J. Ridley, “Autonomous adaptive low-power instrument platform (AALPIP) for remote high-latitude geospace data collection”, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 3, 211-227, doi:10:5194/gi-3-211-2014, 2014.

Acknowledgement Statement

Acknowledgement of the source of these data should be given in publications as:

“The Antarctic AAL-PIP data have been provided by Virginia Tech which is supported by the National Science Foundation through the following awards for this purpose: ANT0839858, ATM922979, ANT0838861, PLR-1243398, and PLR-1543364”

Data Quality

Despite considerable effort in instrument development, deployment, and calibration, the data may still contain errors. The accuracy of the data is not guaranteed. Please contact a MIST team member with any questions about data quality.