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Magnetosphere Ionosphere Science Team


Ionospheric Electric Potentials

Vertical Currents above Ionosphere

Ionospheric Joule Heating Rate

Real-Time IMF via DSCOVR Spacecraft

Weimer Empirical Model

These maps were generated using measurements of the solar wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) that were obtained by the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite. DSCOVR is in a Lissajous orbit at the L1 point. The real-time telemetry data stream is processed and distributed by the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center.

The prediction is based on 20-minute average values of the IMF and solar wind velocity. The time of the prediction is determined by the time of the most recent measurement, the measured solar wind velocity, the current position of DSCOVR, and the orientation angles of the IMF transitions. The propagation delay between the time of the measurement of the solar wind/IMF with DSCOVR, to the response in the ionosphere, is graphed at the top of "IMF Measurements." The green lines show the delay computed without compensating for the changing orientation angles, and the blue lines show the values that include this calculation. The distance between DSCOVR and the Earth-Sun line also influences this calculation.

A description of the empirical models is contained in this PDF file.

Other links at the NASA CCMC web site: Run on demand and iSWA Widget App

Warning: The plots displayed on this page are provided only for non-commercial monitoring purposes.